The Vivaxis: your Energetic Umbilical Cord & how it could be influencing your Life
Updated: Jan 5
What is the Vivaxis?
During my energy healing classes with Cyndi Dale, I came across this fascinating concept called the Vivaxis, which is basically an energy field we all have that connects us to the Earth.
It’s like a subtle energy cord, kind of like an energetic umbilical cord, and it forms right before we’re born. This connection links us to our natural place of birth and creates a relationship between our energy field and the Earth’s.
Some people imagine this cord differently, but it’s often described as running from your navel area to your birthplace. It’s believed that even ancient nomadic tribes used this cord’s energy to find their way home or to important journey spots.
Interestingly, this idea was first observed by Frances Nixon, and she found that the Vivaxis has receptors that can spin either clockwise or counterclockwise, depending on whether we’re pulling in or releasing energy. However, disturbances like earthquakes, sunspots, or other environmental factors can mess with this spin, which can block our energy flow, especially in the lower chakras. This can affect how we feel physically and emotionally, making it harder to shift or heal certain areas of our lives.
For some people, the Vivaxis flows through one or both legs, or it can even go straight into the tenth chakra. If it’s out of balance, it might skip certain chakras, which isn’t healthy.
There are a few issues that can pop up with the Vivaxis too. For instance, if it’s anchored in an unhealthy environment like a polluted, toxic, chaotic area or a place with a traumatic history filled with atrocities from wars, fights and killing, it can disrupt your energy. It can also get tricky if someone’s Vivaxis is tied to a parent’s energy or a traumatic event from this or a past life. In these cases, it might act like a drain on their life energy.
On the flip side, sometimes the Vivaxis can be connected to amazing places, like a land from a past life that was really positive or even a celestial space, a star or planet. Not forgetting that one of its roots need to be rooted on Earth!
Cyndi set her Vivaxis to align with where she currently lives in the U.S., but 200 years in the past! Her energy is incredible, seriously.
As for me, I realized my Vivaxis was still anchored in Brazil, even though I’ve been away for almost 25 years. It was keeping me from fully grounding and creating a life in Portugal with my husband. After clearing and relocating it to our land here, things shifted instantly—we found the perfect builder, and now we’re finally starting to build our home this year!
It’s really interesting to think about how this energy cord might influence our lives and health, don’t you think?
That´s why I decided to offer sessions especially to align your Vivaxis.
If you have an issue that has been challenging for a long time, then it is time to uncover the Vivaxis. Places where it could be anchored:
In previous past lives
In the energy field of a past partner, preventing you from connecting to your soul mate, or in the energy field of your parents
In the energy field of one of your ancestors or more than one
In another planet
In a swamp, polluted region, or a geographic site full of the fall-out of cultural atrocities
To realign and maintain your Vivaxis, practices like grounding, energy scanning, and working with energy layers can help promote better health.
Let me know if you need any support with clearing and aligning your Vivaxis! Send me a message or book your session HERE.
Sending infinite blessings and Love to you 🤍
Andréa Luizari
Andréa Luizari is an intuitive Energy Medicine Practitioner, Channel for Light Language, and Spiritual Coach with a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of empaths, energy healers, coaches, starseeds, and those interested in spirituality.
With a strong background as a former Veterinarian, Andréa Luizari Ferreira possesses over 10 years of expertise in human clinical trials and pharmacovigilance across various therapeutic areas, including Oncology and Dermatology. She holds a Masters Degree in Pharmacovigilance from the esteemed University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield, UK (Herts).
Following a series of transformative events in her life—among them severe humiliation at work and burnout—Andréa’s Soul guided her toward the path of Energy Healing. In 2019, she became a certified Emotion Code & Body Code Practitioner by Dr. Bradley Nelson, equipping her with powerful tools to facilitate emotional and physical healing.
Andréa possesses a natural ability to channel Light Language and works closely with beings of Light and Love such as Archangel Metatron, Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, the Arcturians, Sirians, and the Andromedans. Through this sacred connection, she helps individuals transmute and clear imbalances from all dimensions of their Energetic Body. Additionally, Andréa has recently expanded her channeling gifts to include healing frequencies from Earth Elementals, including fairies, unicorns, and dragons.
If you are interested in activating your own gift of Light Language, don´t miss the opportunity to join Andréa in October 2024 for her unique and transformational classes: CLICK HERE to know more.
Residing in the picturesque countryside of Portugal, Andréa lives a harmonious life with her loving husband. She extends her support to individuals from around the globe, guiding them through their Ascension and Healing journey with abundant Love and Grace.
Andréa possesses the transformative ability to help you align your Energy with your true Divine Nature, enabling you to become a Vibrational Match to your deepest desires and consciously manifest the life you truly deserve.