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Light Language Activation - Healing the Energy of Addiction


The heart is designed to feel joy, love and other positive emotions, and is the core of your being. If the heart is unable to experience these positive emotions, it can become desperate for something pleasurable— it is in situations like this that the vibration of the addictive heart energy can be created.

  • When the heart gets a hint of joy from some activity or substance, it creates this vibrational frequency and keeps resonating with it, in order to get more of that pleasurable activity/substance.
  • The magnetic quality of this energy is specifically designed to attract substitutes for joy and love. These substitutes often end up being inappropriate, extreme, harmful, and/or pleasurable things. 
  • The addictive heart energy has the potential to create addiction to many things, not limited to: negative emotions, drama, struggle, drinking, drugs, work, pornography, sex, shopping, food, emotions, sugar, exercise, cigarettes, internet, social media, video games.


    This light language transmission will help you heal the energy of addiction associated with negative emotions, drama, struggle, drinking, drugs, work, pornography, sex, shopping, food, emotions, sugar, exercise, cigarettes, internet, social media, video games and others.


    What will be released and activated:


    • Contracts and promises to experience addiction to negative emotions, drama, struggle, drinking, drugs, work, pornography, sex, shopping, food, emotions, sugar, exercise, cigarettes, internet, social media, video games and others - healing frequencies from Master Jesus.


    • Ancestral loyalties - healing frequencies from Master Jesus.


    • Heart-Wall energies (inherited, past life, shared, absorbed, your own) - healing frequencies from Mother Mary.


    • Energy of abuse (mental, emotional, physical) or neglect in childhood or other periods in life (abandonment, rejection, humiliation, etc.) - healing rainbow frequencies from Dolphins.


    • Limiting negative programs and beliefs - healing frequencies from the Arcturians.


    • Isolation, loneliness - healing frequencies from the Arcturians.


    • Addictive Heart Energy - healing frequencies from Archangel Metatron.


    • A reconnection of the heart and connection of the Self with the Universe and all things will be made in the end.


    📌 NOTE: After purchasing the product, you will receive a LINK to download a PDF Document containing guidance for you and the link to the audios on SoundCloud:


    Audios included in this package:


    • Audio 1 - What is Light Language? If you are new, please listen to it!
    • Audio 2 - BONUS: Grounding and Expanding your Energy Field
    • Audio 3 - Light Language Activation - Healing the Energy of Addiction


    IMPORTANT: Please note that my healing work does not substitute your medical care. If you have any health issues, always contact your health care professional and do all possible medical examinations. 


    Let´s upgrade your DNA and get back to the Unlimited, Vibrant Being that you are!




    Andréa Luizari 


    Client Love



    “Andrea is such a passionate, kind and gifted healer. Her energy is so beautiful and I am very grateful for her services. She has impacted my life in a wonderful way and has brought profound peace and healing to my soul.”

    Sonia, USA


    "When I listen to you, something is always tingling in my heart and my lips turn into smile without trying to do it.

    You've been waking up in me unconditional love, I feel more secure, loved and supported. I started to see a wider perspective of everything. Fear is shrinking from all the spheres that ever existed. I enjoy every day, I glow. And I want to share this glow."

    I, Croatia


    "I learned so much from Andrea about my lineage and ancestral contracts that bound me so strongly to patterns that were not serving me at all. She gently guided me back to my true nature and reminded me of the power I had as a light being. She helped me see the things I could not see due to conditioning that was thick and hard to work through. 


    She is a true gem on this planet and is able to see through things that even she at times brings to the table even if she is not so educated on it. She is not afraid to tell you the truth, she learns and always does it in a way that is uplifting and honest. I appreciate the work Andrea does and will continue to cherish all her gifts, always. If you are stuck and have tried many things to unlock your gifts, Andrea can help you release blocks and release energies so you can access those gifts. I highly recommend her and her work."

    Healing the Energy of Addiction - Light Language Transmission

    20,00 € Regular Price
    11,11 €Sale Price
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