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Awaken to 5D Abundance - Healing Self Image and Building Self-Worth

Mentoring, Energy Healing & Activation Session



📌 This session happened on 22 July and is the second of 3 sessions that are part of the program "Awaken to 5D Abundance: Elevate Your Spirit and Transform Your Life". If you would like to purchase the 3-session pack with a 20% discount, and have access to a live Q&A session, click here >>>


Even if you haven´t participated in this group session, you can still receive the audios and receive the healing and activations - healing happens outside time and space!


Elevate your self-image and align yourself with the abundance of the fifth dimension to live a fuller, more fulfilled life in harmony with your true essence.


Your perception of who you are and how you should live is probably completely distorted. But it can be transformed! You are a Divine Being, full of creative potential, yet a veil prevents you from recognizing your true essence.


Life is not meant to be difficult! This distorted idea was implanted in humanity thousands of years ago.


Generation after generation, the notion that we are not enough has been passed down, leading us to strive to prove our worth. Many believe they have value only if what they achieve comes through great effort. This disconnects you from the natural flow of life, closes your channels of abundance, and prevents you from living a full life.


The pressure to fit into a society based on comparison and competition distances you from your essence and makes you feel trapped by rules and systems. When you settle for this, believing there is no other solution, you end up living on autopilot, focused only on meeting basic needs while feeling a profound emptiness.


It's time to heal your self-perception, recognize your creative potential, and start living a fulfilled life.


Who is this product for?

  • All those who believe they are unable to change the circumstances of their lives.

  • People who feel trapped in a routine that only meets basic needs.

  • Everyone who feels they don't deserve a healthy, happy, abundant life.

  • Individuals who have gone through abusive experiences or experiences with a narcissistic parent that have profoundly affected their perception of themselves.

  • Individuals who suffer from low self-esteem and struggle with the feeling of not being enough.

  • Those who wish to deconstruct limiting beliefs imposed by society and past generations, exploring a new way of living based on abundance and a state of flow.


🌀Benefits 🌀


  • Healing of deep emotional wounds, traumas and mental programming that led to a distorted self-image.

  • Development of a positive self-image that will result in increased self-esteem and confidence in your abilities.

  • Development of your intuition and inner wisdom allowing you to make decisions more aligned with your purpose and inner truth.

  • Greater openness and availability to build healthy and meaningful relationships.

  • Connection with your true essence and divine potential to create a fuller and more fulfilled life.

  • Live in alignment with the state of flow and abundance.


What’s included?

  • Specialized Mentoring: by two therapists with several years of experience in the process of inner healing, abundance and raising consciousness.

  • Energetic Activation: to heal traumas and emotional wounds, dissolve blockages, elevate self-image and align with the higher energies of abundance, love, unity and the state of flow.

  • Transmission of the Language of Light: A healing tool specifically aimed at helping you heal wounds associated with self-image, activation of your psychic gifts and connection with the awareness of abundance that exists within you. 

  • Clearing of offensive Energies: complete clearing of negative energies, such as curses, low vibrational spirits and other forms of energetic interference, ensuring a safe and secure healing environment.

  • Exclusive Community Access: Join our WhatsApp community for continuous assistance in your personal development and healing journey (available from June to September 2024 only).


📌 IMPORTANT: Upon completing your purchase, you will promptly receive a LINK to a downloadable PDF document containing comprehensive information about the product and the LINK to all audios in your "Thank you" email!


Sign up now and begin your journey of transformation towards the fifth dimension.


With Love


Andréa Luizari & Marta Cunha


🌿 Disclaimer 🌿

It is important to understand that we are facilitators of the healing process and that, ultimately, the responsibility for the results obtained lies solely with the client. Results may differ from person to person and cannot be guaranteed. 

Furthermore, although our energy healing can bring transformative benefits, it should not replace professional counseling or psychological treatment. Instead, it should be complemented with conventional approaches, supporting your overall well-being in a holistic way.

These group sessions are aimed at individuals in good mental health. If you have mental health problems, we strongly recommend that you consult your doctor.


What People are saying about our Soul Work


Hello everyone! 😊 I’d like to share my experience. I don’t usually feel strong sensations, and perhaps that’s why I don’t speak up much. Before this session, I had repeatedly listened to the mentoring and the scarcity healing session. Now, after the "Transcending Survival Mode" session, I have to say that I’ve been feeling much lighter, freer, and happier for quite some time! I’m also much more mindful of what I think and say. I refrain from speaking negatively about myself or complaining. I’m aware that I am co-creating my reality and try to view things as positively as I can. I feel at peace with life and believe I will go much further. 😀 Thank you, Andrea and Marta, for helping me so much in my healing process. Kisses 😘- Raquel, Portugal


The first word that comes to mind to describe my experience is: lightness. Throughout the sessions, I have felt an increasing sense of lightness, as if a heavy cloak that drained my energy and kept me in a loop of suffering and pain has been lifted from my shoulders. I felt hopeless before, but now healing is happening and continues to unfold. Along this journey of learning, self-discovery, and changing preconceived notions, the improvements have been evident, starting with a new perspective and embracing a beginner's mindset. Anonymous testimonial

Awaken to 5D Abundance: Healing Self Image and Building Self-Worth

55,55 €Price
  • Awaken to 5D Abundance: Healing Self Image and Building Self-Worth
    Mentoring and Energy Clearing & Activation

    This pre-recorded session is the second of 3 sessions that are part of the program "Awaken to 5D Abundance: Elevate Your Spirit and Transform Your Life". If you would like to purchase the 3-session pack with a 20% discount, and have access to a live Q&A session, click here >

    What is included in this session?

    • Specialized Mentoring

    • Energy Clearing and Activation

    • Light Language Transmission

    • Exclusive WhatsApp Community Access (available only from June to September 2024)

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