Activating Calm and Inner Peace - Light Language Transmission
This Light Language transmission was channeled to assist you in regulating your nervous system, bringing calm and inner peace to your limbic system and to all parts of you that need love and compassion. You will feel right away if this transmission is for you.
You will receive healing frequencies from Archangel Metatron, fairies and the Andromedans.
More information about how to use this Light Language transmission is included in the pdf document you will receive upon purchasing this transmission.
📌 NOTE: After purchasing the product, you will receive a LINK to download a PDF DOCUMENT containing a LINK to the following audios:
- Audio 1: About Light Language
- Audio 2: Grounding and Expanding your Energy Field (BONUS)
- Audio 3: Light Language Transmission
Please download the audios to your computer or cell phone.
IMPORTANT: Please note that my healing work does not substitute your medical care. If you have any health issues, always contact your health care professional and do all possible medical examinations. You must take full responsibility for your own healing.
Let´s upgrade your DNA and get back to the Unlimited, Vibrant Being that you are!
Andréa Luizari
Ativando a Calma e Paz Interior - Transmissão da Linguagem da Luz
Esta transmissão da Linguagem da Luz é uma Ferramenta de Cura Divina para ajudá-la a regular o sistema nervoso, trazendo calma e paz interior para o sistema límbico e para partes suas que precisam de amor e compaixão. Sentirá se precisa destas frequências para alinhar a sua energia!
Receberá frequências de cura do Arcanjo Metatron, das fadas e dos Seres de Andrômeda.
Mais informações sobre esta transmissão serão dadas no documento PDF que receberá ao adquirir esta Linguagem da Luz.
IMPORTANTE: Observa que a Linguagem da Luz não deve ser usada como substituta do tratamento médico ou de saúde mental profissional, mas pode ser usada como uma abordagem complementar para apoiar o bem-estar geral. O trabalho de cura de energia emocional que ofereço não tem a intenção de diagnosticar, tratar ou curar quaisquer condições físicas ou médicas. Qualquer dúvida ou preocupação sobre sua saúde deve ser dirigida ao seu médico.
📌 NOTA: Após adquirir a transmissão, irá receber um LINK para fazer o download de um documento PDF, onde encontrará um LINK para o acesso dos áudios abaixo:
- Áudio 1 - Sobre a Linguagem da Luz
- Áudio 2 - Enraizamento e Expansão do Corpo Energético (BONUS)
- Áudio 3 - Transmissão da Linguagem da Luz
Por favor, faça o download dos áudios para o seu computador ou telemóvel.
Vamos atualizar o nosso DNA e voltar aos Seres Ilimitados e Vibrantes que somos!
Com Amor,
Andréa Luizari
Client Love
"When I listen to you, something is always tingling in my heart and my lips turn into smile without trying to do it.
You've been waking up in me unconditional love, I feel more secure, loved and supported. I started to see a wider perspective of everything. Fear is shrinking from all the spheres that ever existed. I enjoy every day, I glow. And I want to share this glow."
I, Croatia
"I learned so much from Andrea about my lineage and ancestral contracts that bound me so strongly to patterns that were not serving me at all. She gently guided me back to my true nature and reminded me of the power I had as a light being. She helped me see the things I could not see due to conditioning that was thick and hard to work through.
She is a true gem on this planet and is able to see through things that even she at times brings to the table even if she is not so educated on it. She is not afraid to tell you the truth, she learns and always does it in a way that is uplifting and honest. I appreciate the work Andrea does and will continue to cherish all her gifts, always. If you are stuck and have tried many things to unlock your gifts, Andrea can help you release blocks and release energies so you can access those gifts. I highly recommend her and her work."
F., United States